Monday, September 28, 2009

A Considerably Less Epic Post Than Yesterday

Well today was rather dull compared to yesterday. I woke up around 11am feeling quite horribly exhausted and crappy. Tori and I mutually decided not to go to the arts festival thing today. I'm rather sad about that, because I saw photos of it, and it looked quite fun, but I really felt too crappy today to do anything. On the plus side I did get all my homework done. It was mostly just some worksheets, although I still need to study some kanji tonight.

For my Japanese education class tomorrow our homework was to research theories behind why education is important to national development of a country. The teacher seems to like giving us these little research assignments. We had to research and prepare some notes on it, and then in class she goes around the room and asks us to explain what we learned. Which is fine really, but the main problem is that, while the teacher speaks English very well, she isn't a native speaker, so explaining complex ideas to her about theories and stuff is rather difficult. Last time I tried to communicate a complex opinion to her about a theory we were discussing in class she didn't understand what I was saying at all. The question was why Japan looked to the West as a model when they were trying to modernize their country back in the late 1800s. I've studied this before in great detail during my Japanese history class at OSU. When she didn't understand what I was trying to say, I tried to tone it down and just said something completely different and obvious that I hoped was simple enough to understand. The fact that the West had superior technology back then. Yet somehow she took my "superior technology" and got "spirit and heart" from it. As in, they admired the spirit and heart of westerners I guess. Which she then went on a tangent about how this was very true and one of the most important reasons... yeah, not even close to what I was getting at, but whatever. I guess it's just a little annoying that they expect us to have complicated thought discussions in these classes, when they can't even understand such complex English. Which means they just want us to dumb it down and say something simple. Which makes it feel like a middle school class instead of college. Whatever. I hope she'll be able to understand the research paper I write at the end of class.

Anyway, I have to wake up early tomorrow cause I have to turn my homework into my teacher's mailbox by 10am for some stupid reason, so time to go to bed.

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