Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not a snow day... but a typhoon day?

I had kanji class today at noon, which went considerably better than last time cause I've been studying really hard on my own. I have a 2hr break between kanji and reading, so I just studied. Reading was uneventful. Sorry for the lame synopsis of my day, nothing very interesting happened in class.

It rained today, cause apparently there's a typhoon coming tomorrow. Which we found out today we get off school for. Typhoon day, woo!! We also have Monday off for yet another holiday, so 5 day weekend yay. The Americans who live in the same dorm area as me and I are planning to have a movie day tomorrow, since we have nothing else to do and nowhere to go as it'll be raining pretty hard. It's already really windy and raining hard.

Tori and I watched tv in her room for a few hours, then goofed off on the computer and youtube... then out of the corner of my eye I spied a rather large cockroach scuttle in under her door... ewwwwwww. Such nasty creatures. Neither of us knew what to do, cause we're both utterly disgusted by them. Where are boys when you need them? Luckily it crawled into the box where Tori keeps her trash, and she grabbed the box and we ran downstairs and disposed of the nasty thing in the grass somewhere. So disgusting. I really really would appreciate none coming into my room thanks o_O

I know this is a lame short post, sorry. Maybe more tomorrow? Who knows.


  1. So THAT'S why you typed cockroach right before I logged off! LOL! Sorry I was like "um...ok but I still gotta go to class bye!" lol
    Taifu ga chikazuite soo desu ka? Mado o shimete oita hou ga ii to omou yo! I can't recall the CC exactly but this amuses me ^.^
    Have a fun 5 day weekend. you suck. :P

  2. The typhoon was actually on the news this morning. It caused a lot of damage closer to the coast- yikes! :)
    We had another mousey in the house. I walked into the kitchen this morning and Evan was sitting there eating with the mouse caught in a trap ten feet away. He apparently didn't see it and was surprised when I pointed it out to him... lol...
