Monday, October 12, 2009

The consequences of laziness

I was feeling really blah this morning so I did virtually nothing today until 4, with the exception of going to bathroom and eating breakfast at 2 I guess. I went to bed far too late last night. Some tv shows can be far too addicting...

I woke up at 11:30 briefly to a phone ringing, and it took me a minute to realize what it was. Not my cell phone, but the campus only phones we have in our rooms. I've never heard it ring before. I knew exactly who it was. It was the postman coming to deliver my package from the US. They can call our rooms from the entrance since the door is locked. Unfortunately, having just woken up, I was far too groggy to get up and answer it, let alone attempt to speak Japanese over the phone. So I just let it ring. They give you a little slip in your mailbox when they can't deliver it, so I have to go to the post office tomorrow to get my package. Oh well, that's laziness for ya.

I finally started doing homework at 4, cause I've done almost none this whole weekend. I did it for a few hours and ate dinner with Tori at 7. After dinner we went to campus for the ending of the festival. I think they had someone semi-famous there, but I have no idea who it was. They were doing lottery results first, and then moved on to crown Miss Campus. One of the people who came to congratulate her was President Obama... or rather some random Japanese kid wearing a really freaky Obama mask. It was really random. At one point during the closing ceremony they showed a video which was a compilation of footage from the various events and people during the festival. Sort of a farewell video. For a brief second there was a shot of Tori and me walking. We got really excited, and all our friends around us were like, "wait, wasn't that you guys?!" lol. I want to see that video again. I hope they put it online somewhere.

After the ceremony they shot off fireworks to signal the end of the festival. They only lasted about 2 min, but they were so much better than the last fireworks we saw. Probably because they weren't so long, and this time we didn't have a rate of 1 firework per 2min. They shot off more than one at a time! Imagine that...


  1. Wow... laziness in Japan sounds exactly like laziness in America. :) Where have all the pictures gone?!

  2. Um AGAIN with you guys being recorded by cameras?! COOL!
