Monday, October 12, 2009

And the apple obsession continues...

I overslept this morning. Even with the cannons firing at 10am signaling the start of the festival again. I fell back asleep as soon as they ended. I did some homework and watched tv until 3. Then I went to the festival again, and met up with the California people. We got some food first and then wandered around a bit. I got apple slices which were incredibly delicious. Best apple I've had since leaving America. I ended up buying 3 by the end of the night.

Some of our group left after a couple hours, and the rest of us bought some more food for dinner eventually. Then we sat on the hill by the lake while we ate, and watched yet even more music groups. Eventually we got bored and wandered back towards the center of campus, where the other stage is. They were showing the same dance show we watched yesterday, so we watched it again. After it was over, we had about 30 min to the next show, so we walked just out of campus and stopped at 7-Eleven and everyone bought some snacks. We missed most of the show that started at 8, some fashion show, but we watched the end. At that point the festival staff began pushing back the huge crowd from in front of the stage, to make room on the ground in front for the dancers.

The next performance was my favorite part of the festival so far. It was an Okinawan dance, and was really fun to watch. It went about 20min. I could describe it, but that wouldn't do it justice, so I've posted it on facebook and youtube. After their dance was over they came out to the audience and pulled us all in to dance too. Although it was really more like the people in the very front were jumping up and down and dancing, while the rest of us were just clapping to the beat.

It was very cold again today, high 50s/low 60s after dark, but I came prepared with boots and a jacket this time. I came home after the last performance. Tomorrow's the last day of the festival. I'll probably end up going again. Just hope I can fit my homework in there somewhere...

Here's the youtube links:
Dance Show
Okinawan Dance Part 1
Okinawan Dance Part 2

1 comment:

  1. those dances are cool. i like the traditional ones. its cool watching those because its like, that was the custom of dancing back in the day. awesome videos!!
