Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No, I didn't die...

Yes I know this blog has virtually died. It's been over a month since I last posted. I should've seen this coming really, when I got out of the habit of not updating daily. The last month has flown by, and I've been caught up and busy and distracted, much more so than the first 2 months here. I'll try to summarize as best I can, but really, there's far too much to say, much more than I could write here.

To my disbelief school finally got somewhat difficult here as the end of the quarter approached. Still not near as difficult as OSU, but enough that between hanging out with friends and doing homework I had little time to myself. Which was just fine really. The past month has been filled with the most of fun I've ever had I think, and I'm more than sad to see it has now ended. Most of the Californians that I met what feels like so long ago have now returned to America, as they were only here for one quarter. From mid-October, I had finally gotten really close to them and really felt like part of the group. As the end of November approached we all spent more and more time together, so I was quite sad to see them go. Thankfully some of our group is staying for a year like me, but at least for now, it doesn't feel quite the same. I already miss our 20+ people group outings.

As far as schoolwork goes, I had a presentation, two 10 page essays, and all my Japanese finals to study for within the last month. Many hours were spent in the library and quite a few all-nighters were pulled to get through that. Still no where near as rigorous as OSU's finals week, but quite time-consuming nonetheless. But it's all over now, and I've already started a new quarter. There's absolutely no break between the two quarters for some reason. Finals week ends, and the next week the new quarter begins. At least, we do get a month off after next quarter.

About two weeks ago before everyone left we all went on one of our last big group outings together to Disney Sea. It's a little different from Disneyland, with different scenery and rides and such. It's must prettier than Disneyland, and according to our Japanese friends, more romantic. The rides were on a whole less exciting, but there were a few highlights. Namely the Indiana Jones ride and the Tower of Terror, which I finally rode for the first time! The last chance I had was at Disneyworld when I was 5, and I was way too scared to go anywhere near it. I was really nervous waiting in line, cause I generally don't like freefalls, but it was so much fun! I don't know if the ride itself was different from the one in America. It kind of bounced up and down instead of just falling straight down all the way once like I thought it would. All in all it ended far too quickly :(

I can't really promise how much I'll update this from now on. I'll try to not let a month pass by again at least.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear from you again. I saw your mom recently and she updated me. Have a blast while you're there. You're creating life-long memories! I'd love to see some pics (hint hint). -Connie (Mrs. Wollam)
